Joel and I during our courtship |
I started this blog as a therapy for my husband and I but also to help others. Let me explain, Joel and I met in church, Joel decided that he wanted to pursue me. I was very attracted to Joel both spiritually and physically. Our heart motives were genuine and pure; we wanted to be lifelong partners. Joel wanted to marry me and I wanted to marry him, so we began our courtship. We placed no standards and found ourselves in a place of compromise.... we fell sexually.
*gasp* This, my friends is the realness of it, we all fall short of the Glory of God, no matter what it looks like. All sins are equal to the Lord.

Fast-forward 2 years and 2 babies later. We were in a desolate place, longing for more than each other. That passion after the first few months was gone and what was left was daily frustrations with one another and it primarily rooted in frustration with our self. Our relationship with God diminished and we found ourselves in lukewarm waters, portraying false passion for one another and for God. Don't get me wrong we loved each other and the Lord but we weren't pursuing Him and this caused us to have no passion for life or one another. And now our issues were overflowing from our hearts. At the edge of the cliff and with the attack of Satan at our doorstep, we decided we needed help. We contacted someone for counseling and he recommended a book called Sacred Marriage. Now we are reading it together and are receiving prayer. This is our journey of healing and working on OUR hearts and OUR relationship with God.
I have created this blog not to make others feel "better" about themselves and have pity on our marriage or even, on our behalf, to portray false humility, but to be living examples and help others to examine their hearts and be real with themselves and their spouse. I hope you can receive something from our journey of a Sacred Marriage.